Today was my first full day in Jackson, and I decided to start the day really early and try to catch the sunrise against the Grand Tetons. I headed for the Snake River Overlook which was made famous by Ansel Adams, and found two other photographers waiting to do the same. The hope was to see a great sunrise, but Mother Nature had other plans and placed a nice big dark cloud right where the sun was coming up. That kept the light from hitting the mountains like it would normally do, and left no choice but to just make due with what light there was. I'll be watching the sky tonight to see if I should go out and try again tomorrow, but in the meantime, here are a few of the photos from today.
Snake River Overlook at Sunrise |
The upper part of the mountains should have had a nice glow from the sun by now, if it hadn't been for the dark cloud directly behind me. Seems this trip has either been filled with no clouds at all, or a few too many.
Famous Barn on Mormon Row |
Shortly after getting to this spot, the sun broke through the cloud and lit everything up making it look so nice and warm, even though I think it was still only about 45 degrees out there. It only lasted a few minutes and then another large cloud moved in and blocked the early morning light again.
I wandered over the Schwabacher's Landing after visiting the famous barn, and found this spot that so many others have stopped at before me to shoot photos. It was just kind of fun to see these places in person after looking at so many photos from them over the years.
Chapel of the Transfiguration |
This last set of photos was taken at another very famous spot just inside of Grand Teton National Park. I had to really hurry to get these three photos as there were people milling all around, mostly in front of the door, so when there was the shortest of gaps, I hurried and grabbed this shot, and also manged to take one inside between busloads of people being dropped off here. If only the light would have been a little better.
I'm still trying to decide if I should stay another full day and give myself two mornings to catch a sunrise, or just try tomorrow on the way out of town, and just have to plan to come back another day and see if I have better luck.