Happy New Year! I know when the new year rolls in, many people make a long list of resolutions for the new year, and if you're like most of us, that list is usually abandoned by the end of January. I guess that's why I quit making New Year's Resolutions years ago. This year though, I decided in it's place, I was going to set one or two goals based around my photography and would be easier to stick to, and hopefully will also help keep me motivated this year. Those two things are to get out and shoot a lot more often this year than I did last year, and to finally start posting a lot more often to this blog. Earlier today I was just making a few changes to my website, and got side-tracked going back and reading through some of my old posts on here, and realized if it wasn't for a few of those short little stories, I'd have forgotten things about trips I've taken in the past and a little light bulb went on in my head. I really need to write more, and if for no other reason, but to leave myself a diary of sorts to help me remember things about places I've been, shots I've taken, shots I want to take, ideas for future trips or anything else that comes to mind.
Do I think everyone will want to read my ramblings? No.... or course not. But I do know there are a few of you that have told me you really enjoy reading about and following some of my adventures, so my goal this year, is to write at least a little something about any trip I take this year, big or small. To keep me going I will probably sprinkle some of that other stuff in here too.
I guess if finally dawned on me that I actually do enjoy writing and that it's a little bit of an outlet for me when I can't get out there shooting photos. If I can't be shooting them, maybe I can be going back and finding some of my favorite shots from the past and writing a little about what those shots remind me of, or mean to me. I also think I'll post at least one photo from every outing, no matter if they are good or bad, and write about what I like and don't like about them, and maybe talk about what I would change if I get a chance to go back and shoot them again.
A lot of that will just be little notes to myself, but if you're curious to hear a little about how that little hamster on the wheel in my head works.... maybe you'll learn way more than you wanted to. LOL
If you're following along or want to comment on anything I post here, please do! I'd love to hear your thoughts, ideas, or anything else you'd like to share along the way. I changed the setting on here so that comments are moderated. So if you want to comment, but don't want to share it with anyone else, you can just let me know that in your message too and I'll be sure to leave it marked as private.
So that's it for my goals for the new year. I have a few big trips coming up this year that I'm very excited about so hopefully I can make this entertaining, and leave myself a little diary to look back on later myself. If you follow along, welcome..... and here is to a very Happy New Year for all of us!
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